The clock is ticking on the days left before returning to the UK for a short while. At this point my to do list seems to have taken on a life of its own and I am wondering if I’ll manage to get everything done in time. As I’ve been through this process a few times now I’m not unduly worried. Things have a habit of unravelling one day then coming back together the next. As I’ve said before the unpredictable nature of days out here makes it a more interesting place to be.
The rain is becoming a little patchier. I think it is now in wind up mode – threatening to pour down then quietly disappearing leaving a somewhat hot, sweaty night behind. I will have to look up the requirements for our maize in what remains of the growing season. Duncan is still making a morning pilgrimage to the plots and is working on a mid December harvest. I am disappointed that I won’t be here to see it come in. I’ll have to make sure Ian and Hilda take lots of pictures.
We have two new visitors staying with us – two young women from Denmark, (our first visitors from there). They promise to be a blessing to us as school winds down to the end of term and the children get less inclined to study. Given the examination overkill that we have experienced in the last month I’m surprised any of the children want to come to school at all. They will, hopefully, enjoy the more practical ‘curriculum’ that we have prepared for them for the next two weeks. In the run up to the Cisco team’s visit at the end of the week the teachers and pupils will be preparing to paint the classrooms, enjoying some mini ‘sports afternoons’ and doing some Art work. It should give us all a nice opportunity to wind down.
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