Saturday 17 March 2012

Staying on top

I seem to be developing a bit of a ritual for Saturdays. Breakfast, anti malarial tablet, accounts, tidy up from the week, plot and scheme. I'm not against a disciplined approach to doing things but it's nice to feel that life can still retain a bit of spontaneity as well.

In the self knowledge stakes I think one of my weaknesses has been procrastination. Having recognised this character flaw I have tried fairly hard to overcome it. I find I'm more successful in this area over here in Kosele, (presumably because I believe in what I'm doing and am well motivated). That said one of my favourite diversion activities before finding fresh inspiration is re-arranging my desks and tidying up and re-cycling old notes and paper by turning them into jotter pads. I created quite a large pile of them this morning! I'm fairly confident that this is a sign of an impending creative outburst.

As an avid reader of books about leadership I am convinced of the value of taking time out to recharge your batteries, gain fresh insight and perspective and generally avoid being a workaholic. Unfortunately I'm not all that good at doing this. As an equally avid reader of books on leadership written from a Christian perspective, by writers like John Maxwell, I'm also sure that it's important to take time to recharge your spiritual batteries. This is also something I haven't been doing as regularly as I should do just recently.

As a cautionary note to anybody reading this blog who is also failing to look after the body and spirit I'd like to say – DON'T. Make the time, create the space in your diary, don't put it off in the belief that it will be OK later. It won't. My future decision making depends on my present physical and spiritual health. When either of these has been neglected I don't work as well as I should do. My responses to opportunities and problems get out of kilter with what I believe I'm here to do. Having done my desk tidying for a while it's time to put some time aside for body and soul. It's the only way to make sure Hope and Kindness remains hopeful, kind and faithful to the vision God has given us

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