Thursday 5 April 2012

Nyasae Ogwedhi

This will be my last post from Kosele for a little while. My wife Judi has just been diagnosed with breast cancer so I'm flying home tomorrow to be with her, Tom and Ellie, (our children). It would be great if blog readers of the praying persuasion could pray.

I'm leaving Kosele in good hands. Our key managers, (Mary, Duncan and Madam Nyangwe, the Head Teacher), are keen, conscientious and committed to success. Isaiah and Harrison, our Agriculture College teachers are also an inspiration, (to me and to the students).

As I type it's raining steadily. The rainy season does, at last, seem to have arrived. The maize is sprouting, our sukuma wiki, (kale), patch looks like a small forest and all our seeds are planted. It will be a busy week on the farm next week. All the pupils and students are on their Easter break but should be coming in during the morning so they continue to receive breakfast and lunch. They will be able to use the energy to make sure our entire farm is a weed free zone.

I'll continue to post the blog from England, (though possibly not every day). As they say in Kosele, "Nyasae Ogwedhi" - God be with you.

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to the UK blogs but not as much as seeing you
