Wednesday 30 January 2013


The Jonah syndrome continues with the weather. For the first time, as far as I can remember, I am sat wearing a fleece while working. Grey, windy and raining is not the Kenya we know and love.

Weather aside it’s been a very productive day today. The management team and I have been planning for our next season’s planting. The farm is still really very much a work in progress and we are learning from our experiences. Today we took the major decision to make generating the maximum amount of income from the farm our main goal in this activity. This may seem like a bit of a no brainer but it has helped us a great deal. It would be equally possible to make providing training experiences for our students the main aim, which would lead to very different use of the land. Our present plans look like focusing on growing water melons and sweet potatoes as major cash crops this year. We are also considering the viability of dairy farming. This would be a longer term development but it is very exciting considering the prospects for the future. It’s also rewarding seeing the management team growing stronger and more imaginative.

As I type the wind is blowing, carrying with it what sounds like the music you would hear on a fairground ride. I can’t believe the determination that our neighbors bring to attending funerals. It’s 11 p.m. and I wouldn't relish being out tonight. The ‘celebration’ has been going on all week so far. On Monday night the star attraction was a lady singer accompanied by a keyboard player. At one point it sounded very much like she was singing “The hills are live with the sound of music”. Ours certainly are.

I’m just coming to the end of another day of fasting (see earlier post) and have to say I’m feeling good on it so far. I’m experimenting with fasting on Wednesday and Saturday. This basically means not eating but drinking plenty of water. As a spiritual exercise, as opposed to a new way of dieting, it definitely encourages a new perspective to the day and our work. I've heard the story where Jesus talked about “when” rather than “if” you fast (Matthew 6:16) and it’s passed under the radar as one of those things I might do something about one day. I would hate to give the impression of being smug, ‘holier than thou’ or unduly pious, as I really try hard to avoid that kind of pretense  I realize that I am privileged to be working in a location and culture that is very different from the western lifestyle. For readers who have struggled with that particular scripture in the past though I would recommend persevering in the area of fasting and praying. 

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