Wednesday 8 May 2013


Living out in the wilds of rural Kosele continues to be a bit of a pioneer lifestyle, what with the DIY tooth care and current extreme weather. I’ve been a fan of westerns for as long as I can remember and always enjoyed films and books about the early settlers in the US as they pushed on into new lands and established new frontiers. I wouldn’t dream of suggesting that living conditions out here in Kosele are remotely comparable to living in a covered wagon in winter. We do have fairly reliable electricity and it’s not difficult to stay in touch with my nearest and dearest back home. It is very different from back home though.

As I sit in my office in the early evening it’s lovely to hear the girls singing while they take their showers (my ‘office’ shares a wall with one of the sets of shower cubicles). The rain and cloudy weather doesn’t deter the children from bathing so I thought that I ought to pucker up and brave the elements (in the interests of sociability if nothing else). It wasn’t actually raining while I showered but it is very cold. I have had to resort to wearing a fleece today for the first time ever. As I looked up at the grey clouds, wondering when the heavens would open, I began to think about how tough it would have been for those early pioneers in America and how hard life is for our neighbours. In the west we have elevated the fairly simple act of staying clean to something almost religious. A huge industry has been built around satisfying people’s bathing requirements. Over here soap and rainwater are all that’s available at the moment. I’m not complaining. One of the best things about living in Kosele is the way that it simplifies living and helps you to appreciate fairly basic creature comforts. I’d recommend it to anybody.

I’m writing up the blog a little earlier than usual tonight. I can hear the sound of singing coming from the classrooms so it’s time to head over for a short time of worship and a message from one of the children. You can’t beat it.

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